Acerca de Kalkener


Kalkener Energy Saving Solutions S.L. is a company registered in the Register of Bizkaia in the volume 5297, folio 35, entry 1 with Sheet BI-60466 and TIN B95688198, that was formed in May 2012 with registered office at Mugakoa street number 3 10th-left in Portugalete (Vizcaya)


The Kalkener project was born in order to face a major challenge, emerged from the economic crisis of 2008, to improve the competitiveness of companies against adverse economic contexts.

In an economical tough stage, with demand falling products without access to financing, with a steady increase in energy expenditure and unprecedented competition, led by countries that offer products at more competitive prices, we believe that the solution is to offer products with high added value, innovative and technologically advanced. Following this philosophy we have chosen to offer computer simulation tools, aimed at reducing the energy consumption of businesses in order to improve their competitiveness, allowing a quick but effective way of saving costs as well as providing reliable and accurate information to enable a correct financial evaluation of the investments required to achieve these savings.


In Kalkener we believe that economic and social progress must be led by companies within a regulated framework set by nations in order to defend the wellbeing of all their citizens r social de todos los ciudadanos, without distinction as race, sex, economic status, belief or colour, accomplishing an environment where companies compete on a "level playing field". We also believe that obtaining the maximum economic benefit should not be the only core of companies' business, that the economical growth must be ‘sustainable’ in the long term and to achieve it all the stakeholders should be taken in account in all fields, at all levels: environmental, social, legal, labor, etc. According to these beliefs Kalkener is committed to developing its business in compliance with the code of ethics for industrial engineers and to take action intended to contribute actively and voluntarily to improve the social, economic and environmental situation as well.